- 論文の詳細を見る
"Old Archives" in Japan refer mainly to archives from the Edo Era(1603-1868) or from the Meiji Era (1868-1911). Most archives are kept in libraries or museums, but we often can find old papers in personal houses.These personal archives belong to their owners, so it is necessary for researchers to cooperate with the owners in order to have access to them. Old Archives are very important to our history and understanding of traditional culture.In order to preserve these old papers for future generations, we need to have access to them. Also we need to appreciate the past owners' efforts to preserve the papers from insects, natural disasters, or war. If it were not for these past efforts, the papers would not be available to researchers today. It is also important to explain to the current owners about the worth of all the different kinds of documents. It is important for not only history researchers but also language researchers to have futur access to these old archives in order to brings us a greater understanding of our past. For example, when conducting reserch of the Tanaka Family archives(Miura,Uwajima City), we discovered the "Kakuhitsu" writing tool and examples in Japanese letters (hiragana alphabet and katakana alphabet) of its use. Until we look at the papers, we cannot know their worth. Many reserchars in different fields need to cooperate in the effort to preserve these old archives.
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