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Investigations have been carried out to establish the practicable working conditions of reducing unhydrous copper chloride material with hydrogen gas. The reduction process is made especially difficult by the low melting points and the high vapor pressures of the chloride material. The results of a comprehensive thermodynamic study revealed the probable reactions in the Cu-Cl-H system and pointed out the feasibility of the direct reduction of CuCl_2 in two consecutive operational steps. In order to find out the practical reduction rates and effective recovery levels, the process was tested at different temperatures. The first step of reduction, which results in the conversion of CuCl_2 to CuCl, is readily executable at temperatures slightly below the CuCl-CuCl_2 eutectic point with no evaporative losses. The second step of the reduction procedure, which results in the metallic product, requires higher temperatures, though safely below the melting point of CuCl. Kinetic analysis of the critical second step provided an activation energy of 138kJ mol^<-1>, which compared reasonably well with the scarcely available literature references, and could be interpreted in terms of a chemical reaction dominated mixed mechanism.copper chloridecopperhydrogen reductionreduction equilibriareduction kineticsactivation energy
- 東北大学の論文
一色 実
三村 耕司
三村 耕司
Kekesi T.
Kekesi Tamas
Department Of Metallurgy And Foundry Engineering University Of Miskolc
Kekesi Tamas
Kekesi T
Department Of Metallurgy And Foundry Engineering University Of Miskolc
Tamas Kekesi
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