<報文>複雜硫化鑛處理の研究(第3報) : 撰擇硫酸化處理並に亞鉛電解に就て
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The object of selective sulphatization process is to convert sulphides of zinc and lead into sulphates as fully as possible, while changing pyrite and chalcopyrite as little as possible, by treating complex sulphide ores with relatively concentrated sulphuric acid at a temperature of about 150℃. 1) Fundamental Experiments on Selective Sulphatization Process. To find out the basis for the process, various sulphide minerals (-150 mesh) were treated separately with 60 pct H_2SO_4 (which amount was 1.5 times the theoretical value) for an hour within a temperature range of 110 to 170℃. The resultant products were leached with water and water-soluble portions were assayed. The results obtained may be summarized as follows : a) Zinc blende, even if it contains relatively large amount of iron, was readily converted into sulphate together with iron ; lixiviation of zinc and iron was 95 pct or over at a temperature above 130℃ (see Table 1 and Fig.2). b) Galena seemed to have the tendency of being readily converted into sulphate, but its sulphatization was retarded by being coated with insoluble lead sulphate produced on it in the course of sulphatization process. Sulphatization was below 50 pct at a temperature below 150℃, but attained 95 pct when the sample was finely crushed (-270 Mesh) and the treatment temperature was raised to l60℃ (see Fig.3). c) Pyrrhotite was readily sulphatized at a temperature above 110℃ (see Fig.4). d) Pyrite was not converted into sulphate ; lixiration of iron did not exceed 2.0 pct (see Fig.6). e) Chalcopyrite was sulphatized with difficulty ; the lixiviation of copper did not exceed 0.1 pct within the temperature range of 110 to l70℃, while that of iron was 2 pct below 140℃, but increased with a rise in temperature, attaining 8 pct at 170℃ (see Fig.5). From the results of preliminary tests above-mentioned, it is seen that zinc blende (including marmatite), pyrrhotite and galena readily react on sulphuric acid, whereas pyrite and chalcopyrite hardly react, and most favourable treatment temperature is about 150℃. 2) Treatment of the Flotation Concentrate from Hanaoka Mine. Two kinds of the concentrates were ground down to 100 pet of -150 mesh and used. Their compositions are shown in Tables 2 and 4. First, using 30g of sample 1,the effects of temperature, solid-liquid ratio and concentration of sulphuric acid were examined. a) When the temperature reached 130℃, the reaction became most vigorous, with the result that sulphatization of zinc attained 95 pct. Above this temperature, the percentage of sulphatization of zinc increased with temperature, whereas that of iron and copper remained at 3.5 and 1.5 pct, respectively, over all the temperatures (see Fig.7). b) The percentage of sulphatization of zinc increared within the solid-liquid ratio of 1.5 : 1 to 1 : 1,and remained unchanged between 1 : 1 and 1 : 1.5,whereas that of iron and copper remained approximately constant over all the range (see Fig.8). In the solid-liquid ratio of 1 : 1,the amount of sulphuric acid was 1.75 times the theoretical value. c) The concentration of sulphuric acid varied from 40 (volume) pct to 60 pct. Even when 40 pct sulphuric acid was used, sulphatization of zinc attained 90 pct (see Fig.9). This acid concentration was 1.28 times the theoretical value. Subsequently, using 100 g of sample 1,similar tests were made under the following conditions : the acid concentration, 60 (volume) pct ; the solid-liquid ratio, 1 : 1 ; the treatment time, an hour. At the temperature 150℃ sulphatization of zinc attained 97 pct, whereas that of iron and copper did not exceed 3.6 and 2.0 pct, respectively (see Table 3). Furthermore, 0.6〜0.8 kg of sample II was likewise tested in a semi-transparent silica vessel or in a ferro-silicon vessel. Sulphatization of zinc was practically the same as in the abovementioned tests, but that of iron and copper was a little higher ; iron, 5 pct and copper, 3〜6 pct (see Table 5). 3) Electrolytic Recov
- 東北大学の論文
- 1951-10-03
小野 健二
小野 健二
龜田 滿雄
和泉 信雄
龜田 滿雄
菅野 大
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