<研究報告>硬質米と軟質米の食味について : 炊きたて飯と冷飯
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The taste of hard-textured rice of fine quality, "Nihonbare" and "Nishihomare" of Fukuoka was compared with that of the popular soft-textured rice, "Sasanishiki" of Miyagi and "Nihonbare" of Shimane. Sensory and objective tests were made of rice cooked under the best conditions with respect to taste. Results are as follows. Sensory test 1. A comparison of hot rice. Results of the evaluation of taste by the scoring test revealed that the order of the means was Sasanishiki, Nihonbare of Fukuoka, Nihonbare of Shimane, and Nishihomare. Nihonbare of Fukuoka did not differ significantly from Sasanishiki and Nihonbare of Shimane. The difference between Nishihomare and Sasanishiki was significant at the 5 per cent level 2. A comparison of cold rice. The means decreased in the following order: Sasanishiki, Nihonbare of Shimane, Nihonbare of Fukuka, and Nishihomare. A significant difference at the 1 per cent level was found between Nihobare of Fukuoka and Sasanishiki, but a significant difference was not found between the former and Nihonbare of Shimane. Nishomare was different from Sasanishiki and Nihonbare of Shimane at the 1 per cent level of significance, and different from Nihonbare of Fukuoka at the 5 per cent level of significance. Objective test 1. Water content. The contents of the hot hard-textured rice were 63% to 64%, and those of soft-textured rice were 61% to 62%. The contents of the cold hard-tex-tured and soft-textured rice were 61% to 62% and 59% to 60%, respectively. 2. Ratios of the increase in volume. There was no large difference in the ratios between the hot and cold rice. The ratios of the hard-textured and soft-textured rice were 2.2 to 2.4 and 1.9 to 2.2, respectively. 3. Temporal changes in the rates of dehydration. In the case of the hot rice, the rates were faster in the hard-textured rice than in the soft-textured rice. The cold rice of different varieties did not show any remarkable differences in the rate of dehydration. 4. Consistency. The hot hard-textured and soft-textured rice showed the consistencies of 290-298 g.m and 333-372 g.m, respectively. The consistencies of the cold hard-textured and soft-textured rice were 575-668 g.m and 615-718 g.m, respectively.
- 福岡女子大学の論文
- 1982-01-30
山下 純子
中野 和子
中野 和子
上野 千佳子
山下 純子
宗 順子
牟田神西 由紀恵
堀田 三津子
中野 和子
中野 和子
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