<論稿>日本領有期における台湾国民教育の近代化 : 書房教育と公学校教育の消長を中心として
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"Nihon ryoyuki ni okeru Taiwan kokumin kyoiku no kindaika' (The Modernization of Taiwan's National Education under Japanese Rule) This paper surveys the history of education in Taiwan since the end of the sixteenth century through 1945,focusing on the teaching of writing and reading the Chinese script. The beginnings of Taiwan's education can be traced back to the period of Dutch and Spanish colonial rule more than three centuries ago. Since then, education policy changed abruptly each time a new colonial power assumed control over Taiwan. Such discontinuities and transformations, the paper argues, constituted the characteristic of education in Taiwan throughout its history. Under Japanese rule, a thorough transformation and modernization of the education system in Taiwan took place.
- 拓殖大学の論文
- 1999-03-31
拓殖大学 | 論文
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