Narrative Discourse Processing in Second-Language Japanese
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This study investigated the characteristics of L2 (second language) narrative discourse processing with particular attention to development of the structural and linguistic knowledge required for narrative production (Hudson and Shapiro, 1991), and the interrelation of these kinds of knowledge in development. The theoretical background is Berman and Slobin's (1994) work on the development of L1 (first-language) narrative discourse competence, which claimed that linguistic knowledge itself does not suffice for children to construct a well-organized narrative and that, rather, narrative production is a joint process of structural and linguistic knowledge; and Karmiloff-Smith's (1985, 1986a, 1986b, 1992) Representational Redescription model showing that L1 development occurs bottom-up and then via top-down in the middle period, and finally through integration of data and internal representation. The main concern of the study, then, is to identify the features of L2 discourse processing, examining the L1 features proposed in the above-mentioned studies. The central issue here is what features L2 learners, who are supposed to have a mature perspective on the story but do not have full L2 linguistic command, show in their discourse processing. A fictional story elicited from adult JSL (Japanese as a Second Language) learners at five different levels of JSL proficiency was analyzed regarding the thematic coherence on the macro-level of plot organization (global structure), stipulating three elements: onset, unfolding, and resolution of the plot (Labov and Waletzky, 1967). The results of the study showed that L2 learners manifest completely opposite trends to those of the L1. That is, 1) they showed top-down processing of their narratives from the initial phase of development; and 2) structural knowledge itself did not suffice for L2 learners to produce a well-constructed narrative: rather, whether they could construct it depended largely on their L2 linguistic command itself. This study will provide a broader perspective on the study of narrative discourse in L1 and L2 language acquisition.
- 愛知教育大学の論文
- 2000-03-01
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- Aspectual Marking in Japanese and English Narrative
- 中国語を母語とする日本語学習者の空間表現「上・下・中」と助数詞の過剰使用
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- Backtracking and Reorganization in Narrative
- 日本語のアカデミックライティングの指導
- Narrative Discourse Processing in Second-Language Japanese
- Development of Global Structure in First-Language Narratives