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踵をカットした健康シューズ(ヒーレス)には,ユニークな特徴を数々有しているが,最新式の医用サーモグラフィ装置(インフラアイ1200)を使用し,10名の対象者にてトレッドミルでの10分間歩行の運動負荷を加え,足底部における末梢循環動態に及ぼす影響について検討した。その結果,足底の前足部,中足部,踵部3ヶ所いずれの部位においても,対照とした普通の運動靴に比較して統計学的に有意に運動負荷後皮膚温の上昇が確認された。すなわち,普通の運動靴では平均してそれぞれ0.380,0.090,0.100度の上昇に対し,ヒーレスでは平均して0.850,0.770,0.530度上昇していた。以上の事実は,運動負荷後に足底部における末梢循環の血流量が増加していることを意味しており,ヒーレスシューズを履くと「足の裏が温かくなる」という実感が科学的にも正しいことが確認された。Health shoes with heels cut out (so-called heelless shoes) have a number of unusual characteristics. This time we attempted to confirm the effect of the heelless shoes. Ten intended users were placed under exercise loading of walking for ten minutes on a treadmill, and its effect on the peripheral circulatory movements in the planta sole of the feet of the object persons was examined using a state of new medical thermography system (Infra-Eye 1200). As a result, the rises in skin temperature after exercise loading were identified at all the three parts of phalanges, metatarsus and tarsus in the planta sole of their feet to the statistically significant extent as compared with those of common athletic shoes wearers as the control. That is, the tmperature rises reached to 0.850, 0.770 and 0.530 degrees respectivey on an average in the case of heelless shoes wearers, as against the rises of 0.380, 0.090 and 0.100 degrees respectively on an average in the case of common atheletic shoes wearers. These facts mean that the blood stream increases in the plantar peripherary circulation after exericise loading, and this demonstrates that the realization of "the sole of a foot becomes warm" felt by the wearers of heelles shoes is scientifically right.
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