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サーモグラフィ装置とは非接触, 無侵襲で被検者に苦痛を与えず体表面の温度をリアルタイムで画像表示できる装置である。すでに我々は女子サッカー部員, 男子バトミントン部員を対象に運動負荷前後でのサーモグラムについて検討しているが, 今回は男子サッカー部員4名を対象としてウォーミングアップ時での体表面温度の変化について観察した。その結果これまでの報告と同様に運動中に皮膚温の低下が認められ, 経済的な変化としての運動初期の生理学的機能解明に大いに寄与することが示唆された。An exercise for 10 minutes running on a treadmill was imposed on four male soccer players belonging to a collegiate athletic club system in view of analyzing the changes with elapsed time in their thermograms before and after the work loading. As a result, the following records were obtained: 1) Skin temperatures were measured at a total of nine gauging points set in such regions as neck, forechest, epigastrium, thigh and knee. Before the exercise and during the work loading, thermograms were recorded on video tape as the real time images changing with elapsed time. 2) At all parts of the nine gauging points, skin temperatures showed a declining tendency(at the rate of 0.24 to 1.62 ℃ on an average) after the exercise work was loaded. 3) The decrease in skin temperature after the exercise averaged 0.68℃ for the limbs and 0.78℃ for the neck, and these were in a narrower range as compared with 1.28℃ for the chest wall and 1.18℃ for the epigastric region. 4) The length of exercise work loading for 10 minutes was divided into three phases, for convenience, according to the running distance, the change of heart rate and whether or no development of sweating:viz, Phase ( 0 to 5 miniutes), phaseⅡ ( 5 to 8 minutes), and phase Ⅲ ( 8 to 10 minutes). In each phase, the average value of skin temperatures was determined. 5) In phase I after the exercise, skin temperatures decreased slightly as against before the work loading. In phase Ⅱ, however, the decrease was considerable. In phase Ⅲ, which was almost in accord with the initial stage of sweating, there was seen a tendency to decrease in skin temperature at the nearly equivalent as compared to that in phase Ⅱ.
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