教育長のリーダーシップに関する研究 : 市町村教育長のインタビュー調査から
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This paper aims to clarify the basic characteristics of superintendents' work by considering their relationship with municipal heads, municipal assemblymen, and board members, using the interview method. As a result of the analysis, the main points which is clarified are as follows; 1) it is confirmed that the infuencing power of municipal heads is very strong in matters of the appointment of both school superintendents and their administrative staffs, and the compilation of educational budgets. It is worthwhile noting the fact that school superintendents are substantially appointed by municipal heads. This is very suggestive in considering the nature of the administrative behavior of superintendents in terms that school superintendens cannot help keeping good relationship with municipal heads in order to perform their duties adequetely. 2) the existence of assemblymen seems to be important to school superintendents because they check the educational administration and policies as spokesmen for the residents. 3) it is corraborated that board members do not positively get involved in the formulation of educational policies. They rather play the restictive part of only giving approval to educational bills, submitted by school superintendents or their administrative staffs. Obviously, the idea of the dichotonomy of policy - formulation and policy - execution does not by now seem to reflect the reality of educational administration. 4) judging from the above - mentioned points, it becomes clear that superintendency is required to have political and negotiatory ability as well as educational and managerial ability.
- 広島大学の論文
- 1997-03-14
- 市町村教育長の職務意識に関する考察
- 市町村教育長のリーダーシップに関する実証的研究 : 教育長に求められる資質能力の検討を中心にして
- 教育長のリーダーシップに関する研究 : 市町村教育長のインタビュー調査から
- 教育におけるリーダーシップ研究の現状と課題