<原著>スポーツ・ティームの組織形態とコーチの役割 : 日本の大学運動部における諸問題に関連して
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The purpose of this study has focused on at first trying to classify sport teams and coaching roles generally from the perspective of structure and power as applying the categorizing scheme "Configurations” of H.Mintzberg. Then, it was directed to the scholastic athletics in Japan to clarify actual problems of today for future development.From the structural view point, it is an inevitable consequence that a team tends to derive a typical entrepreneurial configuration to get the better results. For that sake,the coach has forced to be responsible for the direct managerial role at the strategic apex of the team together with the specific technical coaching roles in a narrow sense.However, coaching in most of the scholastic team has been left as a bona fide voluntary work of the teacher-coach in the traditional style.For the conclusion, this study proposes that the major roles and functions of scholasticathletics related in pursuit of the top-level sports should be taken out from the framework of the school to the regional community to serve and function as the national and/or regional complex sports training centers or clubs.
- 筑波大学の論文
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