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Anti-S.pyogenes antibodies were examined for their effects on antibody production of mononuclear cells (MNC) which were previously stimulated by the phagocytosis of specific immune complexes. Freshly prepared 1×10v MNC, without any stimulation, could produce 37ng polyclonal antibodies in the 1ml culture. Stimulation of MNC using immune complexes formed in antigen excess slightly augmented the antibody production or had no influence on production. On the other hand, immune complexes formed in antibody excess inhibited the antibody production and the amount of antibody produced was reduced to 9ng. Despite this, the inhibitory activity was abrogated and the antibody production was augmented by treatment of complex-ingested MNC with free specific antibody; 10 times more antibodies were produced than that of the culture without the treatment. However, this augmentation could not be observed when the treatment was performed within 60 minutes after phagocytosis. Amount of antibodies produced was proportional to the amount of specific antibody used for the treatment. This augmentation was also performed by the use of anti-S.pyogenes lgG-F (ab')闊 instead of specific intact lgG. These results indicate that antigen specific free antibody has potent immuno-regulatory properties and these are probably performed via its binding to the degradated antigen presented on the surface of antigen presenting cells.
- 信州大学の論文
亀子 文子
亀子 文子
亀子 文子
信州大 医療技短大
上原 良雄
上原 良雄
亀子 文子
信州大 医 保健学科
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