子ども理解規範の概念枠組設定の試み : 学校組織における教職役割との関係から
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本研究では,第一に子ども理解規範と学校組織の構造的矛盾の可能性について考察を行い,第二に実践場面における子ども理解表現を二人の中学校教諭の事例に基づいて検討した。その結果,受容,共感,個別的配慮という子ども理解規範の構成要素と,教師-生徒関係による秩序維持を必要とする学校組織の枠組みとには,両立の不可能性が内在していることを指摘した。さらに,二教諭の子ども理解表現の相違は,学校組織における教職役割と子ども理解という二つの期待の間でのバランスの取り方によって生じているものと捉えることができた。これらの検討を経て,全面的な受容としての子ども理解規範へのコミットメントと,学校組織における教職役割へのコミットメントの間での,バランスの取り方による子ども理解表現の多様性を把握するための概念枠組みとして,「子どもへの同調性尺度」を試論的に提示した。In this study, I considered variance between norm about understanding children and teachers role on school organizations. And then, I analyzed two teachers daily expressions of understanding children at school. The following points are found. 1. There are contradictions between norm about understanding children and teachers role on school organizations. Because, on the one hand, norm about understanding children consists of the factor that, unconditional accept, empathic understanding, and regard with each other. And on the other hand, school organizations need to teacherstudents order and discipline to keep up schools. 2. The difference expressions between two teachers are cause by difference where put stress on between norm about understanding children and teachers role on school organizations. So, I tried to set up the framework of norm about understanding children. It is one dimension scale that one end of axis points the commitment to norm about understanding children, and the other end of axis points the commitment to teachers role on school organizations, which names "scale of sympathize with children". The end of commitment to norm about understanding children is high sympathize, and the other is low. This article is limited only set up the scale. But next, I'll investigate the actual conditions of teachers expressions of understanding children by using this scale, and research how school organizations should support high sympathize teachers.
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