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本研究の目的は,教員の職場経験の中で得られる役割や地位形成要因と,自己の創設家族における家庭生活と職業生活の両立要因を明らかにする事である。本研究は1992年から1994年に行われた「教職員生涯生活設計に関する研究」調査データに依拠するものである。結果は次の様である。1.家庭での役割である家事,育児,介護は女性に比べ男性の職業上の役割や地位形成にほとんど影響を与えない。2.性別分業意識の強い対象者世代の女性は家庭生活を維持するために,家庭での役割を優先させる事が多く,その役割分担の増大が就労継続を不可能にする。3.職業上の役割や地位形成については,女性において性別役割分業が,男性において教師資質や教育上の問題,職場等での人間関係が影響する。4.女性の場合キャリア形成においてマイナスとも見える子育て等の家庭役割が本人の努力によってはキャリア形成上プラスに作用している。The purpose of this paper is to determe the factors teachers' roles and positions in their job experiences and to clarify the factors which enable the compatibility of family and job roles in the family of procration. The data for this study were obtained from a survey conduced from 1992 to 1994. The sample consisted of 2262 mail surveys and 33 case studies of school teachers. The major findings of the study can be summarized as follows: 1. The husband's career path was affected slightly by the roles in the family, mainly household risponsibilities child care, and nursing. 2. The intensive consciousness of gender role forced the wife to complete the household work as best she could, the mental and physical burden let her quit the job. 3. The husband's primary concern on his career development was job related. For examples, his innate disposition as a teacher, issues of educational environment, or human relations in his work groups. But as for the wife, it was the gender role in her family. 4. The roles in the family were usually negative factors for wives as to developping their careers, but in some cases wives turned them into positive ones through their own endeavours, especially child care.
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