- 論文の詳細を見る
Diplopodan fauna of Mt. Tsukuba and vicinity between 1987 and 1989 is studied. Thirty poecies/subspecies of nineteen genera, eleven families and six orders are listed. All of them except one soecies, Eudigraphis lakakuwai lakakuwai (MIYOSHI9, are newly redorded from Ibaraki Prefecture which locates northern Kanto District. The taxonomically undetermined species/subsoecies are included in the list. Three of them are unable to identify soecific taxa because their adult males are not been obtained and their reporuductive appendages are unknown. The remaining seven are all unique for having unique characters different from closely allied species/subspecies. Some of them seem to be undescribed species/sucspecies. However, no nomenclatural descriptions are presented in this paper, because not a sufficient number of specimens are available for determining whether they should be newly described at present. Collecting sites, and a pictorial key is given for genera, species and subspecies of northern Kanto District comprising many taxa recorded from neghbouring prefectures and unrecorded from Ibakarki Prefecture to idetify diplopods in further faunistic study.筑波山は北開東の茨城県に位置し,ちょうど,動物相が関東型から東北型へと移行する地域にある。この動物相の変化は,特に,倍脚類のように,移動力が小さく地域毎に種が分化しやすい動物群に顕著である。倍脚類は土壌動物として土壌生態系の中でも重要な地位を占めることから,生態学的な研究対象となる一方で, このように種分化が進行しつつある動物群としても興味深いものがある。
- 筑波大学の論文
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