Seed dispersal in Pinus densiflora SIEB. et ZUCC. stand at Tsukuba,Ibaraki Prefecture
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Seed dispersal in the Pinus densiflora artificial forest was recorded in relation to weather condition such as wind velocity and air humidity. Total number of seeds was 2093 per 2.5㎡, which were trapped in a period from December 1984 to September 1986. Anemochore seeds were caught in larger number than that of zoochore seeds. The P. densiflora seeds were released in a period from October to June in next year. The number of P. densiflora seeds fallen into the stand was 107.6m-2・year-1 from 1985 to 1986, and 157.6 m-2. year-1 from 1986 to 1987. P. densiflora seedlings emerged from the seeds were 5.9 individuals m-2 in 1987 as 3.7% to all dispersed seeds. No seedlings survived on the forest floor in the experimental year. The number of dispersed P. densiflora seeds was related to relative air humidity and daily maximum wind velocity. High dispersal of P. densiflora seeds was observed when the weather condition was over 10m/sec-1 in the daily maximum wind velocity and below 60% in the daily mean relative humidity. Key words : Seed dispersal, Pinus densiflora, wind velocity, air humidity, seedling survivorship.
- 筑波大学の論文
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