ペリー艦隊の来航と女性犯罪-ボード事件をめぐる歴史的背景- (<特集>女性と犯罪)
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In July 1853 the East India Squadron under the command of Com. MatthewC.Perry arrived in Japan. Then Japan's feudal system began to collapse rapidly and Japan was forced to open the country to foreign trades and diplomatic relations. The subject of this paper is to consider one aspect of the international relations. The subject of this paper is to consider one aspect of the international relations between Japan and Perry's squadron coming to Ryukyu, from the viewpoint of women's history. As the object of the consideration, I take a rape case against a Ryukyuan woman by one of the Perry's crew named William Board. This case developed into a serious problem that could impair the relations between the United States and Ryukyu. In the history of the modern international law, it is also regarded as the first case followed by many assault cases by foreigners. Ryukyu was regarded as an important strategic relay base necessary for the U.S. Therefore they pressured Japan into limiting Ryukyu's jurisdiction by the "Gunboat Diplomacy". In this short paper, first I analyze the American deplomatic policy toward Japan and Perry's claim of the occupation of Ryukyuan ports by American squadrons. Then I provide concrete written testimonies concerning the sexual assault case.