- 論文の詳細を見る
We measured the temperature of agar phantoms heating by microwave units non-invasively, using ground plane antennas. The devices we used were 2450 MHz microwave generator and four ground plane antennas which could scan around the heating objects. When the microwaves were irradiating the objects, electric fields were produced in the heating areas. Therefore, ground plane antennas could detect the current of an electric field, and the signals of the detected current were converted to voltage through the rectify full wave circuit using resistor. Thus we got two dimensional electric fields by scaning four ground plane antennas around the heating objects. There was a high correlation between intensity of electric field and temperature of objects. Clearance of the electric field showed high correlation between measurement value and theoretical value (V=A/2πr, V : intensity of the electric field, A : constant value, r : distance from center of the magnetic current). Consequently we could display the two dimensional temperature distribution from the scan data using the same back projection method X-rays CT units.
- 鈴鹿医療科学大学の論文
- 1996-03-30
長谷川 武夫
鈴鹿医療科学大学大学院 保健衛生学研究科 医療画像情報学専攻
長谷川 武夫
石黒 ヨハネ
鈴鹿医療科学技術大学 医用工学部
新保 聡
鈴鹿医療科学技術大学 放射線技術学科
山口 昌大
鈴鹿医療科学技術大学 放射線技術学科
石黒 ヨハネ
鈴鹿医療科学大学大学院 保健衛生学研究科 医療画像情報学専攻
長谷川 武夫
鈴鹿医療科大 大学院保健衛生学研究科
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