Foreign Student Adviserについての試論 : 留学生センター所属のForeign Student Adviserを中心として
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As a result of the government's plan aiming at accepting 100, 000 foreign students by the year 2000 the number of foreign students has been steadily increasing during the past decade. National universities in Japan are beginning to set up International Student Centers. In the Center there is the division of counseling and advisory services to foreign students as well as the division of Japanese language education. The division of Japanese language education has a clear objective of Japanese language training, whereas the tasks and functions of the division of counseling and advisory services are not as precise and well focused. In an advanced countries such as the United States, the acceptance of foreign students and the function of Foreign Student Advisers are well established. What are the personal qualities required of a Foreign Student Adviser ? What is the job description for a Foreign Student Adviser ? It seems that these points have been considered more in the United States. While the plan to increase the number of foreign students in Japan should be continuously pursued, efforts should also simultaneously made to raise the quality of foreign students coming to Japan in the future. Under these circumstances I should like to consider the job specifications of a Foreign Student Adviser, such as how he or she should behave. For this. I will at times refer to literature from the United States. Needless to say, since the Foreign Student Adviser is by profession in favor of foreign students, he or she must respond to the needs and expectations of foreign students. In this paper I take into consideration the result of an inquiry I made in my class at the International Student Center in Yokohama National University.
- Foreign Student Adviserについての試論 : 留学生センター所属のForeign Student Adviserを中心として
- 留学生受入計画についての所感 : 留学生センターを去るにあたって
- 留学生のアルバイト
- 留学生の自己責任
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