<ノート>福岡短期大学における「現代文明論」の実施と工夫 : 新カリキュラム導入後の改善について
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The aim of this report is to show various ideas for the management and educational effectiveness of the "Gendaibunmeiron"(Modern Civilization) lectures, which we have been continuously striving to improve at Tokai University Fukuoka Junior College from 1993 through 1994. The first half of the report consists of the basic policy for Gendaibunmeiron, the curriculum plan including three main themes (humanity, nature, and society) as well as features of the Kyushu area, and advice on how to study. The second half includes questionnaires to the students on the lecture and analysis of some examples from students' reports. Furthermore, at the end of the report the students' understanding and their opinions on "Kengaku no Seishin"(the spirit of Tokai University) and Gendaibunmeiron, are introduced. According to the results of questionnaires and analysis of the students' reports, it might be concluded that many of the students show their understanding and interest in the Gendaibunmeiron and Kengaku no Seishin. At the same time, however, it is true that part of the students who are not good at summarizing and organizing their ideas, complain about the difficulty of the contents of the lecture. In this point we must not forget that the lecturers should continue to develop and improve their presentation techniques.
- 東海大学の論文
- 1996-02-20
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