- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of pulmonary function of elderly persons from the viewpoint of sexes and ages. Eighty-nine subjects were classified into five groups, that is, 1) 40M (aged 40-49 years, male), 2) 50M (aged 50-59 years, male), 3) 60M (aged 60-69 years, male), 4) 40F (aged 40-49 years, female) and 5) 50F (aged 50-59 years, female). VCP (Vital Capacity Predicted), FVC (Forced Vital Capacity), 0.000000VC (ratio of FVC to VCP), FEV1 (Forced Expiratory Volume in one second), FEV1% (ratio of FEV1 to FVC) and INDEX (ratio of FEV1 to VCP) were measured by Auto-Spirometer (AS-300,MINATO MEDICAL SCIENCE CO.). The results are summarized as follows : 1) VCP in male and female showed the decreasing tendency with the age increased. Sex difference of VCP was statistically significant. 2) FVC in male decreased slightly as the age increased. Sex difference of FVC was not statistically significant. 3) 316053311711611124708343845101674072822930451212207971145864420935095071826690596271382200232707780601896307556326433331601678131759399434026866190248833560856370847891258278391787990422151702129371805982043975968919566727779341828096.000000VC in male decreased slightly as the age increased. Sex difference was not founded in each age. 4) FEV1 in male decreased slightly as the age increased. Sex difference of FEV1 was statistically significant. 5) FEV1 1852795252n male decreased slightly as the age increased. Sex difference was not showed in each age. 6) FEV1 appeared to be the best item among the measurements of pulmonary functions.
- 広島大学の論文
- 1997-12-28
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