<論文>中国における1930年代の人口論争 : 現在の人口政策と比較して
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In February 2001 the population of the world exceeded six thousand and one hundred million. The Chinese population is one thousand and two hundred million, accounting for 20 percent of the world population. It is a matter of course for China to have to do some population control. In 1978-79 'the one-child family policy' was formulated in China. The policy permits one child per married couple only. This population control came to be viewed by the post-Mao leadership as a prerequisite for economic development and the programme to industrialize and modernize China. Internationally, attention became seriously focused on the so-called 'population problem' in the 196O's. And since the World Population Conference in Bucharest A basic relationship between the overall economic, social, pollitical and cultural environment and fertility became to be recongnized. Following a similar logic, the leadership of China has set a limit to the fertility of her citizens. In modern China there was a period to try to carry a similar population control with today. It was a period from 1932 to 1937. The Nanking Nationalist Government applied herself to construct a state and attain a modernization in this period. The Nanking Nationalist Government laid stress to employ the specialists of the various fields who had exprience in studing abroad. On a population problem they insisted to do a population control policy. In this paper I analyzed thier opinions on a population problem and pointed out a similality with today's population policy.
- 敬愛大学・千葉敬愛短期大学の論文