- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to make clear the relation between airborne pollen counts of Cryptomeria japonica and Cupressaceae and meteorological conditions in the Metropolitan area, the airborne pollen is surveyed at three pollen count stations (Sakura, Suginami and Satte) from February to April 1995,and at four stations (Sakura, Suginami, Satte and Akiruno) from February to April 1996. The results are summarized as follows : 1) The peaks of the airborn pollen counts agree with the daily maximum temperature at three stations on March 11th and April 1st, 1995. 2) The peaks of the pollen counts on the daily variation of these agree with the peaks of the daily maximum temperature at four stations March 11th and 16th, 1996. The maximum pollen counts are observed on the four stations on March 16th, 1996. 3) The total pollen counts at the stations of Sakura and Suginami are about 9000/cm^2 in 1995. These counts in 1995 were 15 times as large as those in 1996. As compared with the total pollen counts of Sakura, Suginami and Satte, that of Akiruno is more than 4 times of those in 1996. 4) The coefficient of correlation between three days mean value of pollen counts and the deviation of daily maximum temperature, which is defined as the difference between the mean value of daily maximum temperature of 28 days before a fit day and that of 2 days (the fit day and the day before), are about 0.47-0.48 in three stations in 1995. In 1996,the coefficients show approximately the same values as those of 1995 in Satte and Akiruno stations, but those of Sakura (0.72) and Suginami(0.78) are larger than that of 1995. 5) The airborn pollen counts increase in the case of the wind direction with high frequency. 6) The more the wind blows strongly, the more the pollen counts increase.
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