- 論文の詳細を見る
Allanite is one of the most common REE minerals in the Ryoke and Hiroshima granite pegmatites. It generally occurs as prismatic crystal up to 20cm in length to tabular masses in the contact zone of ferro-biotite and feldspar. The wide variation in chemical composition of allanite from the Ryoke and Hiroshima granite pegmatites are observed. Chemical analysis by EDS identified allanite-Ce, allanite-Y and allanite-Nd. In allanite from the Ryoke granite pegmatite, the major rare earth elements generally vary between 2 and 6 wt% Y_2O_3,4 and 5.5 Ce_2O_3 wt%, 3 and 6 Nd_2O_3 wt%, 1 and 2 La_2O_3 wt%, and in allanite from the Hirosima granite pegmatite, 1 and 3 Y_2O_3 wt%, 5 and 7 Ce_2O_3 wt%, 2 and 3 La_2O_3 wt%, 2 and 5 Nd_2O_3,wt%. The contents of REE for allanite in granite and syenite are 0 and 1.5 Y_2O_3,wt%, 5 and 7 Ce_2 O_3 wt%, 2 and 3 La_2O_3 wt%, 2 and 3 Nd_2O_3 wt%. In all allanite, the maximum Th content is 4.99 ThO_2 wt%, Ca contents vary between 4 and 10 wt%, Mn contents is 1 and 5 MnO wt%. A1lanite in the Ryoke granitie pegmatite are characterized by high contents of Y and Nd than those in the Hirosima granite pegmatite and accsesory allanite in syenite and granite. La and Ce are rich in accsesory allanite from the Hirosima granite pegmatite and Matuyama granite . Secondary minerals such as rhabdophane-Nd, monazite-Nd, calkinsite-Ce, lanthanite-Nd, tHORIte, bastnasite-Y, bastnasite-Ce, synchysite-Ce. Fe-chlorite, halloysite and pyrite are found as white to dark green massive aggregates, crusts, veins and pseudomorphs after allanite. Those minerals are formed by weathering and hydrothermal alteration such as carbonatization, phpspatization and hydrolysis.
- 愛媛大学の論文
- 2001-03-19
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