「知識とは何か」という問いの位相 : 『テアイテトス』導入部 (142a1-151d3) の一解釈
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In Plato's Theaetetus, Socrates tries to define knowledge of an object. But he is confronted with some difficulties. In my view, the main difficulty is concerned with the problem : how to become aware of an object as what it is without having any knowlege of it. In order to solve this problem, Plato examines our use of language and investigates how to learn, taking an example of mathemathical learning in the introductory part (142a1-151d3).
- 湘南工科大学の論文
- 1999-03-25
- 新任教員紹介(4)
- 村上喜良著, 『基礎から学ぶ生命倫理学』, 二〇〇八年四月二〇日発行, 剄草書房, A5判, 二二四頁, 二八三五円
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