- 論文の詳細を見る
Electromagnetic propulsion is promising technique for a linear motor car, a ship and a space ship, in future. W. A Rice developed an electromagnetic pump for the liquid metal transfer. There are two electromagnetic propulsions : a superconductive electricity propulsion and a superconductive electromagnetic propulsion. A superconductive electricity propulsion ship uses a screw driven by a superconducting motor. This technique has merits of excellent navigation-ability, and the free degree of the equipment arrangement. In comparing with a superconductive electromagnetic propulsion ship, a superconductive electricity propulsion ship is a drawback with the size of the motor for the propulsion and big weight, too. This electricity propulsion ship with the small and lightweight superconductive motor is expected the reduction of the displacement, increase of the ship velocity and increase in the loadage. On the other hand, a superconductive electromagnetic propulsion ship uses an electromagnetic force (Lorenz force) by the interaction of the magnetic field and the electric current. There isn't a rotation part and transmission mechanism in the propulsion equipment. There isn't noise from the screw. It is very quiet and the ships run high-speed. But, the superconductive electromagnetic propulsion ships in this case are needed strong magnetic field and strong electric current. In this report, the principle and the characteristic of the superconductive electromagnetic propulsion ship are explained. The system, which uses submerged rail carrying electricity, is also described as the safe sailing systems for the safe navigation in the small harbor and the narrow strait, too.
- 湘南工科大学の論文
- 1999-03-25
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