- 論文の詳細を見る
Oiliness tester of 4-ball type was developed to evaluate the oiliness of lubricant. A pendulum type oiliness test having four balls as a fulcrum was conducted as a preliminary experiment and two problems were found out. One is the conversion of sliding friction to rolling friction at the high coefficient of friction range due to small inclination of the groove, and another one is the invasion of rotating motion into the oscillating motion of pendulum, so the developement of this model was suspended with the model having tortional oscillation of test ball. Then 4-ball type of rotary motion prototype tester was developed and difference of oiliness of lubricant was appeared distinctly, and it was modified to have compact structure and this developement was completed. Because large magnitude of coefficient of friction was obtained using the rotary type tester in poor lubricating conditions comparing the value obtained by oscillating pendulum type which have the v-shaped groove, equilibrium of force was analyzed considering the frictional force. As the result, it was clarified that the coefficient of friction which was obtained by v-shaped groove cannot exceed 0.5 even though the value of true coefficient of friction at the contact point had any magnitude. So it became evident that the developed tester can cover the wide range of coeffitient of friction correctly.
- 湘南工科大学の論文
- 1996-03-25
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