- 論文の詳細を見る
This study aims to determine the appropriate design capacity of the regulating pond for the pipeline irrigation system to be introduced to Shitashomen for the first time in Niigata. This pond-regulated pipeline irrigation system, which depends on the slope of a benefited area to function, is meant to close the temporal gaps between water supply and actual demand, thus enhancing efficiency and the degree of freedom in irrigation. In the Shitashomen system, automatic field inlet valves are to be adopted. These valves are to be handled in three different ways : manually, semi-automatically and automatically. In the present study, by processing the would-be users' responses to a questionnaire, I have obtained three possible patterns of demand fluctuation during a 24-hour period, each with regard to one of the three kinds of valve handing. By making use of these patterns, I have concluded that, as the value of T_<po> for the Shitashomen system, we should adopt 4.47h and that the design capacity of the pond should be 6,533m^3. 1) T_<po> represents 'per-day discharge excess over the discharge average calculated in terms of the discharge average multiplied by n hours, 'which is simply expressed as 'n hours' for convenience of verbal economy. Thus the symbol T_<po>, an abbreviation for 'time of pond storage, ' actually stands for a concept of volume, not of time.
- 富山県立大学の論文
- 1996-03-29
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