<論文>イギリス教育行政における新学校査察システム導入の影響と課題 : 1992年教育法制定以降の今日的動向をめぐって
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Now in England, the new inspection system set up by the Education Act of 1992 has begun to operate. The HMI ( Her Majesty's Inspector) system in England has a 150-year tradition, but it has been subject to waves of changes recently. For example, schools will be inspected once every four years under the programme set up by the Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED), and a lay inspector who is a person not involved in education must be in each inspection team. Under such conditions, head's of schools and Local Education Authority (LEA) views on aspects of the new inspection system widely varies - some of them are in favor of the new arrangement, on the other hand, there is considerable anxiety about the effects of the process among them. Alongside this, school governors have new duties to fulfil during school inspection, for example they must inform the parents and students as soon as an inspection is arranged, and so on. This paper is about the new inspection system in England after 1992 and crucial strategies of the OFSTED. The contents are as follows : 1. An Outline of the New School Inspection System 2. Some Respondents to the New School Inspection System 3. Activities Undertaken by School Governors during Inspection This paper contains some findings concerning the new inspection system. 1. OFSTED inspectors think it more important to clarify the code of conduct for inspection and pay more attention to activities inside schools. In addition, most heads and LEAS are in favor of the four-year cycle inspection arranged by OFSTED. 2. On the other hand, most of the heads and LEA's show objection to the system of lay inspectors because of the lack of explanation and a suitable training system for them. And some people pointed out that OFSTED inspection started on a worse footing than predicted, because the number of schools inspected is much lower than planned, and so on. So there will be much room for further research. 3. School governors must be involved in the whole inspection process, so they are responsible for following up the reports written by inspection teams and reporting back to parents the action plan. Nowadays, school governors still need LEA support, namely LEA advisor's support. Then under the new system, schools will need closer contact with LEA advisors.
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