女子大学生におけるスポーツ参加の検討(I) : スポーツ参加の現状,動機および志向の調査
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This is the first part of a series of study to investigate sport participation in women's university students. The purpose of this paper is to investigate three points. The first was the actual conditions of sport participation in women's university students. The second was the factors seemed to effect female students' participation in sports. And the last was motivation and intention for sport participation. The survey was conducted to 330 women's university students by questionnaire method. And as to motivation and intention for sport participation, principal factor solution method with normal varimax rotation was applied to the correlation matrix of all subjects. Main results are summarized as follows : 1. To examine the actual condition of sport participation, the proportion of joining groups of sports, the frequency of sport activities and reading of sport magazines and newspapers, and the frequency of witnessing a game were become clear. 2. The factors seemed to effect sport participation were examined by address, times of attend school, the conditions of residence, the number of lecture per a week and conditions of labor, et al. 3. On motivation for sports, 7 factors were named Friendship, Social desirability, Character shaping, Recreation, Health and Beauty, Inducement, and Challenge and Achievement. 4. On intention for sports, 8 factors were named Fashion, Budo, Amusement sports, Physical training, Health, Out-door, Shooting, and Ball-game. At the next part of this study, the factors determining women's university students' participation in sports will be examined by using cross tabulation and mulvariate analysis.
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