Membrane Specialization in the Inner Acrosomal Membrane of Abalone Sperm Studied by Freeze-Substitution and Quick-Freeze Deep-Etch Electron Microscopy
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The ultrastructure of the inner acrosomal membrane of abalone sperm was examined before and during the acrosome reaction using quick freeze technique followed by either freeze-substitution or deep-etch electron microscopy. Freeze-substituted preparation revealed the presence of granules closely aligned along the inner acrosomal membrane in the funnel-shaped region at the posterior side of the acrosome. In quick-freeze, deepetch replica images, these granules were found to be associated with the amorphous material surrounding the actin filament bundle which is interconnected by short strands. It is suggested that these granules may be relevant to the synchronous extension of the actin filament bundle and the inner acrosomal membrane that transforms into the acrosomal process membrane. Furthermore, numerous intramembrane particles regularly arranged in a lattice-like pattern were shown to be distributed on the P face of the inner acrosomal membrane in the funnel-shaped region. Upon the formation of the acrosomal process, this dense lattice-like pattern of intramembrane particles on the P face of the acrosomal process membrane changed into a random or lattice-like pattern in patches. These observations using quick-freeze methods suggest that the lattice-like arrangement of intramembrane particles on the inner acrosomal membrane plays a potential role in the transformation of the inner acrosomal membrane into the acrosomal process membrane, which is closely coupled with the rapid elongation of the actin filament bundle enclosed by the inner acrosomal membrane.
- 和洋女子大学の論文
- 1995-03-31
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