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In Hokkaido ports on the Sea of Japan and along the Tsugaru Straits, which are along the course of the spawning migration of spear squids, Loligo bleekkeri, their eggs were found on breakwaters and other port structures. Therefore, research has been conducted on the spawning properties of spear squids and survival rates of eggs on breakwaters, as well as on related physical environment properties. On breakwaters and other structures, spear squids lay their egg capsules in cracks in vertical concrete walls of breakwaters and quays, as well as in the cavities of wave-dissipating works and armor blocks. In deep cavities created by wave-dissipating works and armor blocks, more eggs were found on blocks which were deeper in the cavities than the second row from the end of the slope. Since spawning grounds on reefs are not deep enough in many cases, the irradiance may be high at some parts to which egg capsules adhere. In highly illuminated spawning grounds, diatoms adhere to the surface of egg capsules and the survival rate decreases. In the port with little current, silt adheres to the surface of egg capsules and also decreases the survival rate. The cavities of wave-dissipating blocks, on the other hand, are washed by swift waves and the irradiance is low. There are no substance adhered to the surface of egg capsules and the survival rate is high.
- 北海道東海大学の論文
- 1999-03-25
黄金崎 清人
鳴海 日出人
本間 明宏
谷野 賢二
北原 繁志
北海道開発局 室蘭開発建設部 苫小牧港湾建設事務所
北原 繁志
北海道開発庁 北海道開発局
北原 繁志
斎藤 二郎
鳴海 日出人
谷野 賢二
谷野 賢二
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