臥位姿勢の研究 : 緑地公園でくつろぐ人々について
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In order to clarify the characteristics of resting posture, a total of 429 people were photographed in two parks in Nagoya city. Among 137 people who rest lying on the lawn, 62 patterns of lying posture were observed. About three quarters of the lying people (100, or 73.0%) put their head on the ground or supported it with their arms or something else. The rest of the people (37, or 27.0%) lifted up their head without support. The distribution rate of the young people who lay lifting up their head without support was high as compared with that of the older people. Therefore, a significant difference was seen among three age groups (children, young and middle aged people) (chi-square test : p<0.01). More than half of the lying people (71, or 51.8%) shifted their body weight on either side of their trunk, and about one-third of them (52, or 38.0%) lay on their back. The number of the people who lay on their stomach was small (14, or 10.2%). The distribution ratio of the people who were lying on their side, on their back and on their stomach was significantly different among the age groups (p<0.01) ; however, sex difference was not significant. Among the people who lay on their back or on their stomach, more than half of them showed asymmetric posture. The difference of the distribution ratio of the symmetric posture was significant among the age groups (p<0.05) ; however, sex difference was not significant. As age advanced, the asymmetric posture increased. In the case of the people who lay on their side, more than half of them lay on their left side. The lateral preference for lying on the side was approximately the same for both sexes across all the age groups.
- 1998-03-10
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