深見池の成層期における溶存態鉄,懸濁態鉄の存在状態 : 特に溶存有機態鉄について
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Lake Fukami-ike is a small lake having a maximum depth of 8.0m, and is well protected from the wind. Lake water stratified from March to October and circulated from November to March. Anoxic condition prevailed below 4-5m depth from April to October. This study was undertaken to clarify in detail the distributions of iron chemical forms in Lake Fukami-ike. The concentration of dissolved iron seemed to be controlled by the balance among the supply of Allochtonous iron, the deposition or dissolution of particulate iron (P-Fe) in the hypolimnion and the FeS fixation at the bottom. The dissolved iron (D-Fe) in the hypolimnion water was specified by ultrafiltration. Percentages of dissolved iron in two molecular weight fractions in depth of 7.0m were 20-30% (M. W. < 5,000), 45-10% (5,000 < M. W. < 100,000) and 5-70% (M. W. > 100,000), respectively. These results indicate that about 50-80% of total dissolved iron was present as the organic form, mainly having a molecular weight of 5,000-100,000, in the hypolimnion of Lake Fukami-ike.
- 名古屋女子大学の論文
- 1995-03-05
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