- 論文の詳細を見る
The aim of this paper is to research the Swedish medieval society by analyzing surviving Swedish medieval provincial laws. Beside preserved church legislation, there has been almost no written evidence on the Swedish medieval day and life than Swedish provincial law compiled in the periods between approximately 1280 and 1350. Before resolving it, formation processes of the provincial laws and their substances respectively should be discussed because of their complexities. The Swedish medieval provincial laws(landskapslagar in Swedish, landskapslag in singular form) have been preserved : Older Vastgot provincial law (Swedish Aldre Vastgotalagen), Younger Vastgot provincial law(Yngre Vastgotalagen), Ostgot provincial law(Ostgota lagen), Uppland provincial law (Upplandslagen), Sodermann provincial law(Sodermannalagen), Halsing provincial law(Halsingelagen), Dal provincial law(Dalalagen), Vastmann provincial law(Vastmannalagen), Skane provincial law(Skanelagen), Gotland provincial law(Gutalagen), Canon of Smaland provincial law(Smalandslagens kyrkobalk), Law of Bjarkoar(Bjarkoaratten). Of these, two were authorized by kings: the Uppland provincial law by king Birger Magnusson and the Sodermanland law by king Magnus Eriksson. Above mentioned, in this paper, the oldest preserved provincial law, Vastgotalgagen is taken up and discussed, and to be continued in the next issue.
- ルーン碑文によるヴァイキング時代の研究 : スウェーデンを中心に(久志本秀夫先生追悼号)
- スウェーデン中世の地方法とヴェストイェートランド地方法について
- 伏島正義著, 「スウェーデン中世社会の研究-法典にみえる北欧社会」, 刀水書房, 一九九八年
- ルーン碑文の外国名について(1) : セーデルマンランド碑文を中心に