- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this paper is to sketch out some aspects of german peace movement in the early period of the First World War. It was often pointed out that most of the pacifists as well as people in general were involved in the flood of patriotism by the war, but some new characteristics appeared in peace movement, one of which was the formation of new type peace organizations such as the "Bund Neues Vaterland [BNV]". While the traditional peace organization, the "Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft" was a quasimass organization to enlighten on the reform of the international relations and so took a negative attitude to actual problems caused by the war, the BNV aimed at influencing some progressive dipomats and politicians to oppose the annexation politics and to make the cooperative peace. There were some nationalistic stipulations in the first regulations of the BNV, and it is possible for us to consider that their nationalistic attitude was a camouflage for keeping the activity and the influence in war-time as well as an evidence of their patriotism. In this point, we can realize a delicate position of peace movement in war.
- 北海道東海大学の論文
- 歴史的視点からみた憲法第9条第2項
- 第1次大戦期の平和主義小考(3)
- 第1次世界大戦末期のドイツの国際組織構想(1)
- 20世紀における安全保障の歴史的展開と「新しい戦争」の時代
- 第1次大戦期の平和主義 小考(2)
- 第1次大戦期の平和主義 小考(1)
- 第1次大戦初期のドイツの平和主義者
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