<論文>1970 年代インドネシアの労働者と労働問題
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This paper deals with labor problems in Indonesia under the Suharto regime. In the 1970's Indonesia has taken up a very positive policy of economic growth by introducing foreign investment and foreign aid. Owing to the huge amount of foreign capital investment and aid, and also the jumps of oil price, Indonesia has succeeded in attaining high rate of economic growth. But we could hardly say that the labor situation has been much improved. Although small number of workers in big or foreign companies have gotten their real increase of wages, most workers of small companies or small scale trade have still remained in the very low wages. Also the very serious situation of mass unemployment of half-unemployment has not been improved through the 70's. Even the "privileged" workers of big companies were restricted or suppressed in organizing trade unions. They were very hard to strike because of the obstruction by the police, army or sometimes labor unions. This essay firstly discusses about the situation of mass unemployment and the low wage of most unprivileged workers. After that we follow the rise of labor movement after the decision of devaluation of Rupiahs in November 1978. Last part of this paper deals with the workers of "informal sector" and concludes that very drastic change of development policy should be needed to improve the serious labor situation of the future Indonesia.
- 上智大学の論文
- 1983-12-26
上智大学 | 論文
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