- 論文の詳細を見る
Kobe College (hereafter, 'we') began its 127-year-history in 1875 (Meiji 6) when two women, Miss Eliza Talcott and Miss Julia Dudley, missionaries of the American Board of Commissioners of Foreign Missions, founded a private school in Kobe. Hoping to diffuse the Christian way of thinking and to help young women realize their full potential, they founded Kobe Home as an educationai institute in 1875 (Meiji 8) while continuing their missionary work. In 1880 (Meiji 13), our 2nd president, Miss. Clarkson, who had fur-ther focused on the educational sphere, accommodated the school to the Japanese educational system and introduced "gymnastics" into its curriculum. Later, gymnastics was renamed to physical education and has been a part of the curriculum in our college since then, as well as in our junior high school and high school for more than 120 years. In the new millennium, health education is again attracting so much attention that some colleges are now establishing a new department for it. The crest of our college, the three-leave-clover, represents our three principles; body, mind and spirit. One of these principles lies in health education. Unlike many other chronicles of our college, my study is focusing on the history of physical education, mainly on health education in the Meiji era, by using chronological charts. From the perspective of physical education, the Meiji era saw the onset of nationalism, which strongly affected Japanese society afterward. However, this was not the case for our college, a women's college run by foreign missionaries. First let us review our alumni bulletin, "Megumi" filled with affection for our alma mater, to understand the circumstances at that time.
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