運動系部活集団における人間関係と学校生活への満足度について : 生徒の部活動・学習に対する積極性と主将の指導との交互作用効果
- 論文の詳細を見る
A purpose of this study is to examine how influence the individual characteristic of the club members and their captain leadership to their satisfaction (to their captain, to their club activities, and to their school lives) . The effect of the captain lead ership on the member's satisfaction differs according to their individual characteristics. Their individual characteristic were classified according to the degree of positiveness (high or low) to club activities and to their school works. Subjects are 495 students of junior and senior high schools, who are currently active in extracurricular athletic clubs. This relationship was examined by the method of analysis of variance , individual characteristics of the follower (4) × the leadership of the captain (3). . Significant results were as follows : (1) according to the individual characteristic, the relation between the captain leadership and the follower's satisfaction with their captain was different in club activities ; (2) there were positive relations among the satisfaction with the class works by the followers, their individual characteristics, and the leadership style of their captain. These three factors are remarkably influenced with among others. These results may suggest us to lead students to be in their successful school lives through the athletic club activities.
- 1993-12-31
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