<原著>オーバー・デンチャーの維持装置に関する研究 第1報O'ringアタッチメントについて
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Recently, the use of the O'ring attachments in the overdenture has been reported. Generally, the female part with the O'ring is a resin cap which becomes incorporated in the denture base with self-curing acrylic resin. Synthetic rubber provides the O'ring attachment with physiological relief in occlusion, but its elastic strength may produce stress to the abutment tooth out of function. Furthermore, there are a few problems in the use of the O'ring attachment; the discoloring and the flaking of the self curing acrylic resin, the gingival inflamation around the abutment tooth, and the hight the base of the male part to maintain the thickness of the female resin cap. To resolve these problems, we designed a metal outer-cap, in which the O'ring is enclosed, and applied this to the few remainingn teeth in the overdenture. The outer-cap should extend over the gingival border of the male part. Its thickness is about 0.3 -0.4mm. Retention beads is added to the outer-cap to retain the denture base material. The amount of relief is decided by the thickness of the coating agent or seat wax on the working cast. Completed casting is highly polished on both sides of the surfase to minimize metal display through the acrylic resin and to keep the inner surface clean. Otherwise, the metal tooth or the facing crown can be simply incorporated in the outer-cap when a vertical dimension is not sufficient to arrange the resin or porcelain tooth. In this study, a technique is described in which the O'ring attachment with the metal outer-cap is applied to the few remaining teeth in the overdenture.
- 北海道医療大学の論文
- 1982-12-31
田村 武
高崎 英仁
高崎 英仁
伊東 由紀夫
佐藤 謙裕
伊東 由紀夫
田村 武
伊藤 善広
伊藤 善広
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- オーバー・デンチャーの維持装置に関する研究 第1報O'ringアタッチメントについて
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