- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to look into an energy balance in a daily life, it is necesary to estimate the amount of energy consumption satisfactorily without struggling against tables and complicated devices. a) BMR-BODY COMPOSITION : Assuming a total BMR is the sum of energies consumed in two parts, active and fat tissues, multiple regression analysis gives partial coefficients of 28 and 13 (kcal/kg/day) for active and fat tissues respectively. Knowing each individual body composition, BMR is estimated regardless of sex, age etc. b) EXERCISE-HEART RATE. : In every cases oxygen consumptions were measured directly at several stages of exercise. Together with recording of 24 hrs ECG., an exponential regression between energy (Y:mlO2/kg/min) and heart rate (X:beats/min) is computed. Constants A, B in the equation, Y=A*exp (B*X), differ slightly from case to case. In general however it is enough to use following A, B values, such as A=1.511 and B=0.0203. Onece an individual trend of heart rate in a daily life is recorded, the amount of energy consumed during the period could be approximately obtained almost simultaneously.
- 九州大学の論文
- 1984-03-30
緒方 道彦
緒方 道彦
Institute of Health Science, Kyushu University
緒方 道彦
Institute Of Health Scielece Kyushu University
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