- 論文の詳細を見る
Trends of heart rate increase just after the stepwise application of physical stress seem to suggest that two factors model, time dependent like inductance and time independent like resistance factors, may be useful. It is expected that a time constant (TC) of the system would indicate an individual capacity of man to some extent. This report is to show the results or longitudinal study on the behavior of TC values in one male subject, age 33. An electronically controlled bicycle ergometor (ISOPOWER, TAKEI) allowes to apply rectangular type stress of various intensities (from 60W to 130 W, rate of rise 20W per sec.). A change of heart rate is monitored by a photoelectric sencer. Fig.1 shows analog recordings. TC was calculated from digital readings without waiting heart rate to reach its new steady level. Our tentative conclusion is as follows ; (1) TC values at medium intensities (90, IIO W) are most sensitive to a level of physical fittness. Sedentary life style elongates TC value. (2) TC values at lower intensities are more closely related to "liveliness" rather than to the capacity of physical fittness.
- 九州大学の論文
- 1984-03-30
緒方 道彦
緒方 道彦
Institute of Health Science, Kyushu University
緒方 道彦
Institute Of Health Scielece Kyushu University
江 肇國
Institute of Health Science, Kyushu University
江 肇國
Institute Of Health Science Kyushu University
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