- 論文の詳細を見る
We studied the influence of catecholamines on potassium and other parameters before and after exercise. Six healthy subjects were given mild prolonged exercise stress tests by bicycle ergometer and swimming the leg kick of free style without medication, and under the administration of α-blockade (prazosin). The lactate, triglyceride (TG), free fatty acid (FFA), blood sugar (BS), serum potassium, adrenaline (Ad), noradrenaline (NA) were determined before and after exercise tests. Heart rate (HR) was assessed by Holter ECG during the exercise tests. The results were as follows; 1) HR and lactate increased after exercise tests. However those increases did not show significant difference between bicycle ergometer and swimming tests. Alpha-blockade did not suppress the increase of HR and lactate. 2) The increases of both Ad and NA were higher in swimming than in bicycle ergometer. Alpha-blockade diminished the increase of catecholamine after both exercise tests. 3) Serum potassium rised after bicycle ergometer, but showed no significant change after swimming. 4) Alpha-blockade suppressed the rise of serum potassium. These results suggest that 1) Marked sympatho-adrenal responses occur after the prolonged strenuous exercise. 2) Alpha-adrenergic stimulation may inhibit Na-K pumps on skeletal muscle, resulting in the higher serum potassium level. 3) Swimming induces the peculiar change of serum potassium compared with other exercises, although the cause is unclear.
- 九州大学の論文
- 1990-03-28
金谷 庄蔵
Institute Of Health Science Kyushu University
津田 泰夫
江島 準一
江島 準一
1st Department Of Internal Medicine Faculty Of Medicine Kyusyu University
加治 良一
大柿 哲朗
Institute of Health Science, Kyushu University
加治 良一
1st Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Kyushu University
津田 泰人
1st Dpartment of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Kyushu University
藤野 武彦
1st Dpartment of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Kyushu University
大柿 哲朗
Institute of Health Science, Kushu University
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