混合戦略と利得の位相 : 2×2ゲーム
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Possible types of payoff matrices ofa player of noncooperative 2×2 games are illustrated in a form of families of equi-payoff curves, and a taxonomy of topological patterns of the payoff matrices is given. It is shown that Patterns N, U (vertical & horizontal) and X are basic and, incorporating the cases where the payoffs are tied, Patterns NU, UX and NX are also included. Generated from these equi-payoff curves are three types of response curves and, superimposing the diagrams of the two players, the relationships between the structure of the players' payoffs and the features of the resulting Nash equilibria are studied.
- 関西学院大学の論文
- 生産理論における双対性 : 図式化の試み
- 混合戦略と利得の位相 : 2×2ゲーム
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