マンデヴィル,ヒューム,ステュアート,スミス再訪 : 市場と為政者の視点を中心に
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This essay is a memorial lecture delivered at the Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for British Philosophy held at Kwansei Gakuin University on the 25th of March, 2000. The purpose of this lecture is to try to give a new wide perspective on the formation of political economy in Britain in the 18th century, considering a rich delta of David Hume, James Steuart, and Adam Smith with Bernard Mandeville as a precursor. Mandeville's pradox, "Private Vices, Public Benefits" gave a clear vision of "civil society"(modern society) as that of division of labor, exchange, and luxury. This vision was fundamentally succeeded by Hume, Steuart, and Smith. Hume called it "civilized society", Steuart "industrious society", and Smith "commercial society". Hume was a turning point. The aspect of Hume's real analysis with his social philosophy was developed by Smith. Smith built up a political economy of "system of natural liberty" with a theory of natural price and a theory of capital accumulation and investment based on his "invisible hand". In contrast with Smith, Steuart started from Hume, but he did not neglect unstable and uncertain factors of market, and emphasized effective demand, the positive role of money, credit, and public finance to coordinate and control market. Although there is a strong contrast between Steuart's 'skilful hand' of the statesman and Smith's 'invisible hand', it can be said that system of political economy was founded by both Steuart and Smith.
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