- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this paper is to clearify the mechanics of the endogenous growth model, especialy, so-called AK model. As is well-known, in the endogenous growth model, we always assume an infinitely-lived representative agent who maximizes his intertemporal utility. The assumption under which a representaive agent has the infinity time horizon, implies Barro's debt neutrality propsition. And for Barro's debt neutrality propsition to hold, many conditions are necessiated, which are, for example, the operation of the intergenerational transfer, the altruistic motive, the lump-sum tax, and so on. However, the endogenity of growth rate does not necessarily require an infinitely-lived agent. In other words, without the assumption of an infinitely-lived agent, we can construct the endogenous growth model. It is this mechanics of the endogenity of growth rate that we would like to show in this paper.
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