Analogue Experiments on Vaporization and Condensation of Atoms using Steel Balls
Sato Susumu
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Akita University
Sato Susumu
Department Of Metallurgical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Yokohama National University
Oki Susumu
Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Yokohama National University
Oki Susumu
Department Of Metallurgical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Yokohama National University
- Measurements of Cell Thickness Distributions in Reflective Liquid Crystal Cells Using a Two-Dimensional Stokes Parameter Method : Structure and Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Condensed Matter
- An Optical Sensing System Using Liquid Crystal Cells and a Corner Cube Prism Coated with Dye Films for Simultaneous Detection of an Electric Field and Decomposition Products of SF_6
- Properties of Variable-Focus Liquid Crystal Lens and Its Application in Focusing System
- Liquid Crystal Negative Lens
- 3C04 Converting Fixed Focus Lens to Variable-Focus Lens Using Liquid Crystal Layers
- Liquid Crystal Lens With Spherical Electrode
- 3A16 Study of a Novel Liquid Crystal Lens
- Novel Method for Pretilt Angle Measurement Using Liquid Crystal Lens Cell with Hybrid Alignment
- 3D12 Study of the Molecular Alignment and Optical Properties of a Liquid Crystal Lens
- Improvement of Decay Properties of a Liquid Crystal Microlens with a Divided Electrode Structure