Changes of Free Amino Acids and AminoNitrogen Contents in Anuran Tadpole Tails duringMetamorphosis
Ohzu Eiji
Biological Institute Faculty Of Science University Of Yamagata
Ohzu Eiji.
Biological Institute Faculty Of Science
- Ultrastructural Observations for the Production andSecretion of the Hatching Enzyme in Amphibian Embryos
- Phosphatase Activities in the Tail during theMetamorphosis of Anuran Tadpoles
- Studies of the Hatching Enzyme of the Fish : I.Isolation of the Hatching Enzyme of the Rainbow Trout,Salmo gairdneri
- Changes of Free Amino Acids and AminoNitrogen Contents in Anuran Tadpole Tails duringMetamorphosis
- Changes of Nucleic Acid Contents in DevelopingAmphibian Embryos