3a-Y-12 低温高圧下におけるペロブスカイト型混合原子価錯体Cs_2Au_2X_6(X=I, Cl)の異常な電気伝導度, II
31a-YQ-3 パイライト型遷移金属硫化物の光電子逆光電子分光
2a-PS-46 C_超伝導体におけるTcの圧力・磁場効果
Observation of Direct Transitions in the Ferromagnetic and Antiferromagnetic Dimer System (CH_3)_2NH_2CuCl_3 by High-Field ESR(Condensed matter : electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
Detailed ESR Measurements for the Quantum Molecular Magnet V15 at Ultra-Low Temperatures(Nanometer-Scale Magnets, Field-Induced Phase Transitions and Dynamics in Quantum Spin Systems)
24aG-1 Sr_2Ca_Cu_O_のH_の異方性
25aYA-2 中性子回折装置Siriusを用いた10GPa高圧実験
30p-PSB-57 CeP, Yb_4As_3の高圧下におけるL_吸収スペクトル
26a-PS-62 Sr_Ca_xCu_O_の高圧下のホール効果と磁気抵抗
29p-YC-1 NiS_Se_xの高分解能光電子分光
29p-PSB-31 スピン・ラダー系超伝導体Sr_Ca_xCu_O_の高圧下のホール効果と磁気抵抗
Direct Observation of Low-Energy Sm Phonon in SmRu_4P_(Condensed matter: structure and mechanical and thermal properties)
3a-PS-27 La_Bi_xCuO_のT_cの圧力効果
1a-R-11 還元処理した六方晶チタン酸バリウムの相転移と輸送現象
30a-YD-7 還元処理した六方晶チタン酸バリウムの輸送現象III
30p-YK-5 還元処理した六方晶チタン酸バリウムの輸送現象 II
Effect of La Impurities on the Phase Transitions in PrFe_4P_(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
The Unconventional Superconductivity of Skutterudite PrOs_4Sb_ : Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking and Adjacent Field-Induced Quadrupole Ordering(Frontiers of Novel Superconductivity in Heavy Fermion Compounds)
Nodal Structures of Heavy Fermion Superconductors Probed by the Specific-Heat Measurements in Magnetic Fields(Frontiers of Novel Superconductivity in Heavy Fermion Compounds)
Pressure Effect on the Specific Heat of CeNi Single Crystal : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
Mac OS X Server によるコンピュータ管理の効率化に関する研究
低温高圧下における比熱測定開発 : PrCu_2単結晶における協同ヤーン・テラー相転移比熱の圧力効果
Internet Message Access Protocol と Pretty Good Privacy を利用した高機能メールシステムの構築に関する研究
11-18 作物体表面電位測定装置による測定例(11.植物の栄養生態)
Anisotropic Cooperative Jahn-Teller Effect and Metamagnetism in PrCu_2
Specific Heat and Phase Diagram of NdCu_2 in Magnetic Field
117 作物体表面電位による水分ストレスの測定 : 2. バレイショとサイトウの測定例
116 作物体表面電位による水分ストレスの測定 : 1. 測定装置の概要
44 作物体表面電位測定装置の開発と測定例(予報)(北海道支部講演会)
Electrical-resistivity and low-temperature specific-heat measurements of single crystals of thiospinel CuV2S4
Synthesis and physical Property Measurements of U_xT_ySn_z : 3-2 Preparation and Characterization of uranium Compounds and New Materials : Chapter 3. Preparation and Characterization of Materials
Magnetic and Electrical Properties of U-Ge and U-X (X=Ru, Rh, Ir) Intermetallic Compounds : 3-2 Preparation and Characterization of uranium Compounds and New Materials : Chapter 3. Preparation and Characterization of Materials
Electrical and Magnetic Properties of U-X (X=Ru, Rh and Ir) Intermetallic Compounds
Magnetic and Electrical Properties of U-Ge Intermetallic Compounds
Itinerant-Electron Weak Ferromagnetism in La-Based Filled Skutterudite LaFe_4As_(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
2p-PSB-32 高圧下におけるUSbの電気抵抗
Pressure-Induced Ferromagnetic to Nonmagnetic Transition and the Enhancement of Ferromagnetic Interaction in the Thiazyl-Based Organic Ferromagnet γ-BBDTA・GaCl_4(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
Novel Size Effect of LaMnO_ Nanocrystals Embeded in SBA-15 Mesoporous Silica(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
27aRF-11 High-energy x-ray photoemission study of CeRhAs : Observation of the hybridization gap
2p-YF-3 還元処理した六方晶BaTiO_3の輸送現象
28p-P-4 SmS高圧下金属相における比熱測定II
Low-Temperature Magnetization Study on the Phase IV Ordering in Ce_xLa_B_6 under [111] Uniaxial Pressures(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
31p-PSA-38 Mn_3GaCの高圧磁性
Multilayer Scintillator Responses for Mo Observatory of Neutrino Experiment Studied Using a Prototype Detector MOON-1(Nuclear physics)
28a-K-1 dmit系分子性導体における金属-絶縁体転移と低温構造
30p-YS-1 新しいdmit系分子性導体の構造と物性
27pTE-8 La_Sr_xCrO_3の磁気特性と結晶構造の相関解析(27pTE 磁気共鳴一般・実験技術開発・酸化物磁性,領域3(磁性,磁気共鳴))
Angle-resolved Magnetization Measurements on Antiferroquadrupolar Ordering System PrPb_3 : Evidence for Anisotropic Quadrupolar Interaction(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
5a-YF-12 Ce_La_Pの高圧下での中性子散乱III
29a-P-1 Ce_La_Pの高圧下での中性子散乱 II
Phase Transitions of a Geometrically Frustrated Spin System CdCr_2O_4 in Very High Magnetic Fields
Dielectric Polarization Measurements on the Antiferromagnetic Triangular Lattice System CuFeO_2 in Pulsed High Magnetic Fields(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
28a-YJ-6 分子性導体(DI-DCNQI)_2Cuおよび関連系の構造と物性(II)
Magnetic and Electrical Properties of NdCu_2
Anisotropic Magnetic Susceptibilities in Non-Cubic Cerium Intermetallic Compounds: CeCu_2Si_2,CeCu_6 and CeCu_2
Electrical, Magnetic and NMR Studies of Ge-Based Filled Skutterudites RPt_4Ge_ (R=La, Ce, Pr, Nd)(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
R_5Ir_4Si_1_0(R = Ho,Tb)単結晶の低温比熱
26pWA-3 酸化物超伝導体Pr_2Ba_4Cu_7O_の物性(高温超伝導(置換効果・結晶化学),領域8(強相関系:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など))
13aPS-26 新しい超伝導体 Pr_2Ba_4Cu_7O_ の磁気的性質の圧力効果 II(低温 : 超伝導・金属絶縁体転移, 領域 8)
29pXB-1 Pr_2Ba_4Cu_7O_酸化物の還元処理による超伝導遷移(高温超伝導(結晶化学,関連物質他))(領域8)
28aPS-34 新しい超伝導体Pr_2Ba_4Cu_7O_の磁気的性質の圧力効果(領域8 ポスターセッション)(領域8)
22aPS-23 Pr_2Ba_4Cu_7O_ 酸化物の熱処理に伴う圧力効果
4a-Z-17 CeRhSbの物性に及ぼす圧力効果
Low Energy Excitations in the Mixed State of the Anisotropic s-Wave Superconductor CeRu_2(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
3a-Z-6 高圧下におけるdHvA効果の測定系の開発
30p-PSB-64 PrCu_2のメタ磁性
Crystalline Electric Field and Metamagnetic Transition of PrCu_2
Sm-Sb Bond Length in Mixed-Valence System of SmOs_4Sb_(Condensed matter: structure and mechanical and thermal properties)
2p-J-13 HfTe_2の高圧下相転移
2a-PS-31 Cu_Co_S_4の強磁性及び超伝導の高圧効果
Magnetic Phase Diagram in the Canting Antiferromagnet NdCu_6
Magnetic Properties of Antiferromagnetic GdCu_6
Superconductivity in U_5Ge_3
Low-Temperature Magnetic Susceptibility and Specific Heats of Single Crystals PrCu_6
Magnetic Properties of a Heavy Fermion Substance CeInCu_2 with a Cubic Structure
Metamagnetic Behavior in NdCu_6
Heat Capacities of ^3He and ^4He in the Restricted Geometry of Na-Y Zeolite
Microcystin-LR is not Mutagenic in vivo in the λ/lacZ Transgenic Mouse (Muta^ Mouse)
73Ge NQR study of superconducting skutterudites MPt4Ge12 (M = Sr, Ba) (Proceedings of the International Conference on Heavy Electrons 2010 (ICHE2010))
New High-Field Ordered State in PrFe_4P_(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)