子どもの学習成果に及ぼす教師の関わり行動の影響 : 特に,技能,体育への愛好的態度に基づく抽出児童を対象に
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of teacher's interaction on students learning products in physical education class. The subjects were four students that were selected from attitude toward physical education class and motor skill, in which teaching unit was ball game planned for instructing both "off the ball movement" and "decision-making in the game". In this teaching unit, the products were measured in terms of student formative evaluation to physical education classes, learning notes written by students, the game performance assessment instrument and the process was observed through teacher's interaction by systematic observation instrument. The main findings were as follows: 1) This teaching unit was highly evaluated by students, but the selected tour students showed the difference, however standard level and over, in student formative evaluation to physical education classes. 2) According to analyze learning process and products in four students, great difference was found both in game performance and teacher's interaction except discriptiving contents in learnilig notes. High attitude and motor skill level of students showd the high scores in student evaluation, because both "number of appropriate decisions made" and "game performance" were high scores though teacher's interaction to them were not so many. On the other hand, low attitude and motor skill level of student showd the standard level scores and over in student evaluation, because both "number of appropriate decisions made" and "game performance" were lowest among four students though teacher's interaction to her were most. The other student who was low attitude and motor skill leve of student showed the standard level scores in student evaluation, because both "number of appropriate decisions made" and "game performance" were not so much though teacher's interaction to him were not so many. 3 ) These results suggest that it was necessary to fit students level (ex. attitude, motor skill) for learning contents and to have more teacher's interaction with low attitude and motor skill level of students in order to increase the student formative evaluation to physical education classes.
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