- 論文の詳細を見る
The author discusses the significance of perspective as an insructional prlnciple by examining Konstruktive Didaktik(1973)by G.G.Hiller. The work has proposed the importance of perspective in instruction by sharing the examples of the lessons. It is the groundwork for mehrperspektivisher Unterricht which he later theorized. Primary experience and secondary experience as perspectives are the terms which Hiller borrowed from sociology of knowledge,prlmary socialization and secondary socialization.Three perspectives including the tertially experience(perspective of science)are non-continuous and in tension,each of which produces a perspective in which to look at a reality.This doesn’t mean irresponsible relativism.Nor does it advocate to understand a reality as being harmonious.Rather by shifting a way of perspective to grasp a subjcet,it intends to create logical distance from and critical discussion of the reality which children are familiar with. This enables children to dea lwith the reality more realistically. Three perspectives doubt the simplistic principle of intiution(Anshauung).They challenge the habits and customs which function as mediator to reach a true intuition,which is the main theme of antholopology of instruction. In relation to the recent discussion of General Studies(Sogo-ka),the idea of perspectives as instructional principles presents a useful perspective to us,which may overcome shortcomings of mere integrated insturction or empiricism.
- 奈良教育大学の論文
- 教授原理としての「視点」について (?) : W.ケーンラインの「機能目標」としての多視点性
- 教授原理としての「視点」について(?) : W.ポップの「多視点的思考」の検討
- W. クラフキーの批判的-構成的教授学について
- 教科を越えた教授・学習の構想について (II) : 文字テキストと絵図を結ぶ
- 教授原理としての「視点」について
- 教科を越えた教授・学習の構想について